Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Itsy Bitsy Spider Project

Today we worked on a new project to focus on one of our star words: THE!

Students had to write their star word EIGHT TIMES! They definitely know it now!! :)

Then, they assembled their houses to put up a water spout, complete with a moveable spider.

They absolutely loved this project! I've never heard them so quiet before.

Here are a few photos from our day.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Writer's Workshop

Last week we ended our first adventure in Writer's Workshop. We started off with "I Like..." books to help students get in the habit of writing about things that interest them. As a celebration of writing, students read their books to each other outside in the courtyard at Clearcreek. They LOVED sharing their books with one another. Our next adventure is called "Small Moments." Students will write about events in their lives, focusing on special photos or interests they have shared with us. I have laminated their Writer's Workshop focus wall that you all have sent in, so they are ready to be used during our Writing time. The students are so excited about getting their pictures back to start writing. We will pick back up with Writer's Workshop after the Halloween holiday activities.


Pumpkin Exploration

On Friday, October 24, our AM and PM class participated in the annual Pumpkin Exploration. We examined the pumpkin to determine its characteristics, such as shape, weight, color, and height. We also guessed how many seeds were inside. Together, we opened up the pumpkin and the students helped to count the seeds. Our grand totals are below.

AM Pumpkin: 499 seeds
PM Pumpkin:  439 seeds

We also used measuring links and cubes to determine the pumpkin's height and circumference.

Here are a few photos from the day!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

100 Club

The 100 Club is gaining new members everyday! Congratulations to the newest members! You rock! I'm so proud of you! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

100 Club

Students who can count to 100 (to me) earn a trophy and induction into the 100 Club! Here are our latest members! Way to go!!

E.W. was our very first member of the 2014-2015 100 Club!
Congrats to H.K, C.S, B.A, and I.C.
Update: We are on a roll with counting to 100!
Here are our newest members!!
Awesome job, VF, ES, BF, IW, JO, and LB!

Way to go, MH, CL, and LM! 
I am so proud of you!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Star Word Review- Quarter 1

Our first four star words are below.

I      like      the      and

You can have your child listen to the star word songs we have been practicing by clicking on the links below.  There is a list of QR codes on the back of the October 20-24 newsletter that you can scan to bring you to these songs as well.


like (This one is different from the others, but it's the only one currently available... not my favorite, but it helps them practice spelling the word.)




Picture Re-takes will be on Wednesday, October 22nd. If you would like to have your child's picture retaken, or if he/she was absent on the original picture day, please plan accordingly. I have a list of students who were absent on our first picture day and I will be sure they have their picture taken for the yearbook.


This Week's Classroom Newsletter 10-20-14

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!



Friday, October 3, 2014

This Week's Classroom Newsletter 10-6-14

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Click here for a Peek at Next Week!

Also, don't forget that Wednesday, October 8th is Panther Pow Wow Day! Have your child wear his or her blue panther shirt. :)